WHO: Tackling Air Pollution Requires Many Sectors (Does Your Kitchen Vent To The Outside?)

The World Health Organization says that good heath in a population requires “different sectors working together.” They gave the example of air pollution in this infographic:


You can’t just wake up one morning and decide you want to breathe clean air. There has to be clean air to breathe. The same is true for food, water, and just about any human requirement. It has to be a community effort.

AirPollutionWHOCookingI want to pull out just one piece of this because I’m curious. How many people have their kitchen vented to the outside? Most of the places I’ve lived in my life did not have vented kitchens, even though they had hoods over the range or hob. Do new construction homes typically build in a vent to the outside?

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2 thoughts on “WHO: Tackling Air Pollution Requires Many Sectors (Does Your Kitchen Vent To The Outside?)

  1. Melinda

    Theoretically, our kitchen is vented to the outside. But the “suck-power” is very weak–I’m not certain it actually ever “leaves the building” (like Elvis)!



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