Stewed Apricots

I should change my name from Fanatic Cook to Simple Cook. This is so simple you’ll be buying up all the apricots you see:

8 hard, bitter, not-very-tasty, but very pretty apricots:


Apricots have pits. Inside the pit is a seed. The seed kernel looks and tastes like an almond. Whole Foods sells bags of apricot kernels (thank you, Shaun). Like a superfood. Which is crazy. Because apricot kernels contain a poisonous compound called amygdalin that converts to cyanide after eating. Don’t eat apricot kernels.


These 8 apricots just about filled a 2 quart saucepan (seen in the background in the above photo).


After about 10 minutes on a very low heat, they reduce considerably. (I added a tablespoon of water to keep them from scorching, 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar, and a dash of cinnamon.)


Keeping the pot covered makes them cook faster, but they tend to foam up so you have to keep an eye on them. Stir often. After about 20 minutes they turn into this crazy good nectar that no one can get enough of:



They go really, really good with Grapenuts cereal. So I’m told. The crunchy texture of the cereal complements the gooiness of the fruit. And the roasted flavor of Grapenuts is a perfect match for the bitter-sweet apricot taste.


Please buy lots of apricots. If you do, demand will grow, more farmers will plant more apricots, and I’ll be able to find them more often. At a lower price. Thank you.

6 thoughts on “Stewed Apricots

  1. Marj

    I’m buying apricots as fast as I can this year! Some years only one grocery store carries them, but they’re more plentiful for some reason this year–happy day! Will try your recipe if I can keep myself from just eating them immediately. Only a few have been (picked too early?) a bit unripe. The others–glorious! The unripe ones I’ve been making into an impromptu jam which is divine. But will give the your stewed ones a try as well. Thanks!


  2. Transylvalleygirl

    I grew up in Southern California with two large apricot trees in our backyard. We ate tons and shared many, but there was too much to eat fresh. My mom would stew gallons—apricots, halved and cut in three strips each side, and a little water and sugar. She would freeze them in Tupperware and we’d eat it all winter! The best way was nearly thawed, so it was still a little icy.

    I now have one smallish tree in my backyard, and I continue with my mom’s tradition. The house smells amazing when the fruit is cooking.

    Thanks for sharing your information on this most-delicious fruit!


    1. Bix Post author

      Thank you for your comment. I get so caught up in the current state of the world I forget how nice it is to stew apricots. Think I’ll go find some…


      1. Transylvalleygirl

        I just turned off the stove and that apricot aroma is heavenly! I can’t wait for it to cool off enough to taste it! (I’ve burned my tongue more times than I’d like to recall!)

        I get so much peace from working in my yard—especially the veg garden and harvesting fruit. The troubles fade away just for a while.

        I hope you find some lovely apricots at the store! (Have you made stewed rhubarb? My other favorite!



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