High Intake Of Meat Raises Risk For Lymphomas – Cancers Of The Lymph System

BaconFrying2Lymphomas are cancers that start in cells called lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell – part of the immune system. Lymphocytes are found in lymph nodes and other lymph tissue, e.g. spleen and bone marrow.

Here are three studies that give evidence for the link between meat consumption and cancers of the lymph system:

Dietary Pattern and Risk of Hodgkin Lymphoma in a Population-Based Case-Control Study, American Journal of Epidemiology, September 2015

We identified 4 major dietary patterns (“vegetable,” “high meat,” “fruit/low-fat dairy,” “desserts/sweets”).

A high meat diet was associated with older-adult (odds ratio = 3.34) and EBV-negative, older-adult (odds ratio = 4.64) cHL risk.

We report the first evidence for a role of dietary pattern in cHL etiology. Diets featuring high intake of meat or desserts and sweets may increase cHL risk.

Meat Intake And Risk Of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Cancer Causes & Control, October 2012

We conducted a population-based, case-control study to test the hypothesis that consumption of meat and meat-related mutagens increases the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).

The risk of NHL was associated with a higher intake of red meat (OR = 1.5), total fat (OR = 1.4), and oleic acid [a monounsaturated fat found also in olive oil] (OR = 1.5). NHL risk was also associated with a higher intake of very well-done pork [bacon?] (OR = 2.5).

Our results provide further evidence that red meat consumption is associated with an increase in NHL risk, and new evidence that the specific components of meat, namely fat and meat-related mutagens, may be impacting NHL subtype risk differently.

Red Meat Intake And Risk Of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Meta-Analysis, Asian Pacific Journal of cancer Prevention, 2014

The incidence of non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) has been rising worldwide.

In this meta-analysis, there was evidence for association between consumption of red meat, or processed meat and risk of NHL.

The odds ratios in the first study are high, as is the OR associated with eating well-done pork or bacon.

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