Jack LaLanne Summing Up His Philosophy About Nutrition And Exercise

Wikipedia: Jack LaLanne

Dying is easy. Living is a pain in the butt. It’s like an athletic event. You’ve got to train for it. You’ve got to eat right. You’ve got to exercise. Your health account, your bank account, they’re the same thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen: together, you have a kingdom.

Jack LaLanne with his wife Elaine. He continued his two-hour workouts into his 90s, which also included walking. – Photo: IMDB

I feel this way about the mind too. If all we deposit is crap, all we’ll be able to withdraw is crap.

3 thoughts on “Jack LaLanne Summing Up His Philosophy About Nutrition And Exercise

  1. Marj

    Jack LaLanne has it right! I remember watching his TV exercise routines ages ago. His enthusiasm was contagious as I recall. Really like, and agree with, what he says.


    1. Bix Post author

      Contagious, I know, just reading about him the last few days has put pep into my walk.

      I love this:

      LaLanne stated, “I had to take my lunch alone to the football field to eat so no one would see me eat my raw veggies, whole bread, raisins and nuts. You don’t know the crap I went through.”



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