The Body Of Evidence Shows Milk Consumption Is A Risk Factor For Prostate Cancer

This is a great video. He briefly summarizes types of studies (retrospective or case-control vs. prospective or cohort):

Transcript (Click “View Transcript” on the right-hand side.)

And finds:

The latest meta-analysis of all the best case control studies ever done on the matter concludes that milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate cancer.

The latest meta-analysis of all the best cohort studies ever done also concludes that milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate cancer.

But you knew it:
Harvard: “Dairy Food Is One Of The Most Consistent Predictors For Prostate Cancer In The Published Literature”

5 thoughts on “The Body Of Evidence Shows Milk Consumption Is A Risk Factor For Prostate Cancer

  1. David D

    So, when should a child be taken off cows milk, when as babies and toddlers a significant portion of their calories come from cows milk? At 1yrs old, it is typically recommended that cows milk be introduced into a child’s diet. As an example, providing an alternative like almond milk would result in too few calories for a child.

    Also, does this advice of avoiding cows milk apply to females?


    1. Bix Post author

      For many years, decades even, there have been studies showing a correlation between cows milk and type 1 diabetes. The thinking is that cows milk contains a protein that resembles a protein in the human pancreas, causing the human immune system to attack its own pancreas. That leads to inadequate insulin, and type 1 diabetes.

      The dairy industry has done a good job of instilling doubt.

      You may want to research this. I checked Dr. Greger’s site. Here’s something he posted in November:


    2. Bix Post author

      Getting back to you, David, on the point about women consuming dairy…
      Here’s a post from last September:

      Body Of Evidence: Dairy Food Increases Risk For Ovarian Cancer

      “I’ve just listed 4 large studies, published in peer-reviewed journals over a period of 17 years (1999 to 2016), that indicate dairy foods increase the risk for ovarian cancer. That is clearly not a body of evidence that would support continued consumption of dairy food.”


      1. David D


        Thank you for the replies and resources. I read a bit up on children and dairy. The consensus seems to be that the calories from cows milk (or any milk) are not as important as I thought. They should be getting most of their calories from non-liquid sources. I have one child who loves his cows milk and never will drink our almond milk. The other one is just getting to the age that we are introducing milk. Perhaps we will try to start him on an alternative milk. Thanks!



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